Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Monitoring My GAME Plan Progress

This week we have been talking a lot about assessment so I think it is fitting to do some assessing of my progress towards meeting my GAME plan goals.

Are you finding the information and resources needed?

For my GAME plan goals I have been spending a lot of time online looking for as many types of lessons for my units coming up to give students plenty of options for assignments and ways to include online collaboration. For my upcoming poetry unit I have been using the internet to learn about all of the different kid friendly poetry styles so that my kids will have a lot of choices for the types of poems they want to write and how they want to share their work. I am always going to be looking for more great ideas so I will also continue to ask other teachers for suggestions in my school and online.

Do you need to modify your action plan?

So far I've been following my action plan of starting the week by looking at the lessons planned and finding ways of integrating technology tools for collaboration and choices. I might modify that to start the month out this way so that if I need to make arrangements or if projects last longer than a week I can be prepared ahead of time for this. Also by looking at the whole month I can look at keeping the projects fresh by not using the same technology tools in a consecutive week.

What have you learned so far?

I've been learning a lot from reading and interacting on blogs for other classmates GAME plans. There has been a lot of great suggestions and ideas that I have looked at and thought that I could add to my own plan to make it better. One in particular is improving my class webpage and how one of my classmates plans on going about that. By making some of those changes myself I can get closer to meeting my own goals for collaboration and choices.

What new questions have arisen?

The questions that have been coming up have really been, how do I go about doing that? I might see a great idea like a weekly blog that students can communicate on and comment back and forth. The questions have really been about making the things like this that we've talked about and learned and how to make them actually happen. A lot of working through those questions is happening for me through trial and error. So far I've really enjoyed seeing what works and what just doesn't fit for my grade and class. I'm looking forward to more questions like these because they are providing a lot of great opportunities for trying things I might not have tried until I wanted to know more.


  1. Jason, what sort of online resources are you using for your poetry unit?

  2. Hi Steve,
    I've found this site that has about 20 different types of poems that are easy for kids. Here is a link.. .

    I like it because it gives examples and with all these choices it's helping me meet my goal of giving students several options to take hold of their own learning.


  3. Steve,

    I agree with you when you said that you enjoyed experimenting what works and what does not in your classroom. One thing I have found out in my few teaching experience was that one project may work on a class, but not for another. This is where making multiple options for students to choose from comes into play. Even though, we as teachers have to make different types of rubrics for each project, it makes it a difference in the students' efforts and willingness. I enjoy seeing students make their decisions because they will need to learn to do that in real life. Also because I was teaching at a charter school, the diversity really allowed students to demonstrate their culture though choosing what project to do and allow them to shine as individuals. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  4. Jason,

    I have spent a great deal of time researching on-line. In fact, it has been a consuming process. There are so many ideas on the Internet that I find myself bookmarking many sites for the future, and not staying focused on the matter at assignment. On-line resources provide many alternatives to traditional approaches to education. I love that eexploration process.

    Have your students enjoyed the varied curriculum? Do they appreciate choices? I know, at times, my students feel intimidated with all of the choices they have. They want me to help them with their choices. Did you discover the same issue in your classroom?

